The #mortality rate among #diagnosed+ #population is now 12.08% in #Italy. The #Netherlands, #Spain, The #UK, #France and #Belgium come after.

#Confinement measures have a positive effect on #Italy : For the first time, the number of deaths ( / 3 days) decreases. #Spanish curve flatten. The increase is strong in all other countries.

Whereas #Italian curve is moving downward, #Spanish line is just behind Italy. . #Netherlands and #Belgium are now ahead of #France. #Switzerland is at the same level as France. Despite the absence of #confinement #measures #Sweden curve still has the same profile as the other #EU #countries.

The situation in #Belgium is almost similar as #Spain. #Deaths in the #UK increased strongly over the past days. At this time, #US curve profile looks like the #French curve.
The gap between #SouthKorea and the other countries gets bigger and bigger.
