Daily #deaths diagram seem to cap in #Italy, one month after the first #death. To be confirmed on March 28, 2020. In #Spain, the trend is worrying and daily deaths should overtake #Italian numbers in the coming days.

The #mortality rate among positively #Covid+ #population is still the highest in #Italy (9.86%). Then we have #Iran, #Spain, the #UK and #France (#Netherlands, very close). There are now more than 400,000 Covid+ in the #world. The average mortality rate is 4.45% among #diagnosed people.

The highest the population number, the highest the total deaths. With the population #standardization (STD), we avoid the population number effect. Italy is still the first #country in term of death rate per #inhabitant with a slowing #growth (+20% per day). #Spain should reach Italian level in the coming days with a growth >33% per day.

As the vast majority of deaths concern the #Elderly people (>80%), we standardized deaths number by people aged 65 and over in each of the countries below. We positionned countries day0 when deaths number overtook 10 and our rate >0.0003% so the data and the #intensity of the mortality progression can be compared.
At day 5, the situation seems to be the worst in #Belgium, with the strongest #increase in the early days.
At day 13, France standardized death rate is 4 times higher than in South Korea, but 1.5 times less than in Italy, and 2 times less than in Spain.
